







9 Steps to Being More Than a Regular Client

9 Tips for More Than A Guest for an Escort

In Tv and in real life, escorts are not only gorgeous but friendly in their mannerisms. They say all the right things and you may be wondering; how do I talk to her?  They deal with all sorts of people and you really have to strive to be memorable and the best. That takes work. Here is how to slowly earn her trust and possibly develop a relationship with your escort.

  1. Treat her like a lady

You have a beautiful woman by your side that happens to be paying attention to you and only you. Listen to what she says and give her a compliment. Do not exaggerate or make it sexual (as many have done before). Make it a genuine compliment based on your observations. For example compliment her eyes or her new hairdo. Make her feel special.

  1. Ask her about her life

Trust will not be earned in a single date. It may even take up to 5 dates just to learn her real name, but it is totally worth it. Ask her about her day, work and what she enjoys doing during her free time. Nothing too personal of course. Remember she is a girl like any other and she will appreciate the concern.

  1. Be honest

An escort will always know when you are lying so just tell her the truth. Avoid being dodgy and vague with your answers. If you are honest then she will slowly begin to trust you.

  1. Give her options

You may be the one who pays for all the dates but it would also be nice if she would pick her favorite spots and places she would like to visit.  You do not have to go to restaurants for all your dates. Maybe she loves the movies or museums always make sure she is having a genuinely good time.

  1. Don’t show up drunk

It can be very discouraging for a girl when her date comes drunk. It is not only inconsiderate but it may cause her to have doubts about your conduct and concerns about her security.

  1. Pay her on Time

Never default on your payment or refuse to pay the entire amount. Whatever charges you agreed upon should be paid in its entirety. She will be reluctant to see you again if you have problems paying for your dates. Pay her in full and maybe even give extra whenever you can. That shows that you appreciate the time you spend together and you also respect her work.

  1. Know what you want

Confident men are not only attractive but sexy. Be confident and let her know what you want. But remember to be respectful to her wishes as well. Else she may feel pressured and uncomfortable. She is not you shrink, don’t talk too much about your life or yourself otherwise you appear self-centered.

  1. Let her pick the meeting spot

For her own personal reasons an escort may insist on meeting in a certain restaurant and simply refuse to meet elsewhere. Follow the directions because if you refuse the date may not happen or worse, you will make a terrible first impression.

  1. Never share her details

Many are under the assumption that if an escort likes you means she will be happy with the friend. Sharing her contact information is extremely rude although she may politely decline to meet your friend. She chose to date you after you contacted her, escorts generally like talking to prospective clients prior to their first meet. Just to get a feel of the guy and they frequently turn people down.

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